AI-Powered Super Hero!
To rescue your productivity and supercharge your life
How Organaizr can help you?
Everything is searchable
Search for anything within your documents, audios, images and videos. It doesn’t matter if it was written, spoken or even seen.
Document Analytics
Amazing combination of different Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning models applied to get the most value out of your documents.
Speech & Video Analytics
Extract key business information and insights from customer calls, legal and clinical conversations, video and image files, and more.
Effortless management
You are in complete control of your data. Upload, store, process, and collaborate, knowing that security and trust are top priority.
Chat with your data
Use our AI assistant to ask questions and get contextual answers based on the content of your documents.
Better decision making
Complete Data & Analytics solution to analyze trends and insights over time, using all available information in your favor.